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Hotels in Zlatograd. Vllas, chalets and guest houses in Zlatograd. User reviews.
name:Hotel Flora|stars:3|website:1|category:1
Hotel Flora
Hotel Flora 
90 Bulgaria Blvd., Zlatograd
+359 3071 4494
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name:Pachilovska House|stars:3|website:1|category:7
Pachilovska House
Pachilovska House 
4 Evegenia Pachilova Street, Zlatograd
+359 3071 4166, +359 3071 2136
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name:Korucheva House|stars:2|website:1|category:7
Korucheva House
Korucheva House 
+359 3071 4474, +359 3071 2588
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name:Hotel Edi|stars:3|website:0|category:1
Hotel Edi
Hotel Edi 
+359 3071 5007
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Hotels in locations near Zlatograd. The approximate distances are estimated between the centers of the locations.
name:Motel Metro Cherna|stars:0|website:0|category:2
Motel Metro Cherna
Motel Metro Cherna 
approximately 22.9 km north of Zlatograd.
user reviews
name:Family Hotel Detelina|stars:2|website:0|category:1
Family Hotel Detelina
Family Hotel Detelina 
31 Bostondjii District, Ardino
approximately 22.9 km north of Zlatograd.
user reviews
name:Guest House Konaka|stars:2|website:0|category:7
Guest House Konaka
Guest House Konaka 
4 Beli Brezi Street, Ardino
approximately 22.9 km north of Zlatograd.
user reviews
name:Belite Brezi Chalet|stars:0|website:0|category:11
Belite Brezi Chalet
Belite Brezi Chalet 
Belite Brezi Locality, Ardino
approximately 22.9 km north of Zlatograd.
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name:Hotel Palace|stars:2|website:0|category:1
Hotel Palace
Hotel Palace 
50 Beli Brezi Street, Ardino
approximately 22.9 km north of Zlatograd.
user reviews
name:Guest House The White House|stars:0|website:0|category:7
Guest House The White House
Guest House The White House 
17 Belomorska Street, Rudozem
approximately 23.7 km north-west of Zlatograd.
user reviews
name:Hotel Liliya|stars:3|website:0|category:1
Hotel Liliya
Hotel Liliya 
Bulgaria Blvd., Rudozem
approximately 23.7 km north-west of Zlatograd.
user reviews
name:Hotel Rodopski Yunak|stars:2|website:0|category:1
Hotel Rodopski Yunak
Hotel Rodopski Yunak 
approximately 26.7 km north-west of Zlatograd.
user reviews
name:Family Hotel Bio-Magi SPA|stars:3|website:0|category:7
Family Hotel Bio-Magi SPA
Family Hotel Bio-Magi SPA 
Ivan Vazov Street, Banite
approximately 27.1 km north of Zlatograd.
user reviews
name:Hotel Rodopa|stars:2|website:1|category:1
Hotel Rodopa
Hotel Rodopa 
approximately 27.1 km north of Zlatograd.
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Sights and attractions in and near Zlatograd. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Ethnographic Areal Complex, Zlatograd - approximately 1.0 kilometers north-west.
Thracian Fortress Ustra, Ustren - approximately 14.2 kilometers north-east.
Medieval Fotress Ustra, Ustren - approximately 14.9 kilometers north-east.
Thracian Cult Complex Orlovi Skali, Ardino - approximately 21.2 kilometers north.
The Devil's Bridge, Dyadovtsi - approximately 26.8 kilometers north.
Locations with hotels near Zlatograd. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Hotels in Ardino - approximately 22.9 kilometers north.
Hotels in Rudozem - approximately 23.7 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Taran - approximately 26.7 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Banite - approximately 27.1 kilometers north.
Hotels in Mlechino - approximately 28.0 kilometers north.
Hotels in Podvis - approximately 30.2 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Krastatitsa - approximately 30.8 kilometers north.
Hotels in Polkovnik Serafimovo - approximately 30.9 kilometers north-west.
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