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Hotels in Yamna. Vllas, chalets and guest houses in Yamna. User reviews.
name:Camping Vodenitsata|stars:1|website:1|category:9
Camping Vodenitsata
Camping Vodenitsata 
+359 887 254221, +359 887 521875
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name:Strajata Chalet|stars:0|website:0|category:11
Strajata Chalet
Strajata Chalet 
Kokalskoto Locality, Yamna
+359 720 3506, +359 896 715255
user reviews
Hotels in locations near Yamna. The approximate distances are estimated between the centers of the locations.
name:Holiday Village Orlova Skala|stars:3|website:1|category:10
Holiday Village Orlova Skala
Holiday Village Orlova Skala 
Etropole Municipality, Lopyan
approximately 5.3 km north-west of Yamna.
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name:Chalet Staroplaninets|stars:2|website:0|category:11
Chalet Staroplaninets
Chalet Staroplaninets 
Lozeto Locality, Etropole
approximately 8.3 km west of Yamna.
user reviews
name:Chavdar Chalet|stars:1|website:0|category:11
Chavdar Chalet
Chavdar Chalet 
Vihrushki Polyani Locality, Etropole
approximately 8.3 km west of Yamna.
user reviews
name:Rudinata Chalet|stars:0|website:0|category:11
Rudinata Chalet
Rudinata Chalet 
Rudinata Locality, Etropole
approximately 8.3 km west of Yamna.
user reviews
name:Hotel Etropol|stars:1|website:1|category:1
Hotel Etropol
Hotel Etropol 
Central Square, Etropole
approximately 8.3 km west of Yamna.
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name:Guest House Bulgarka|stars:0|website:0|category:7
Guest House Bulgarka
Guest House Bulgarka 
approximately 10.2 km east of Yamna.
user reviews
name:Guest House Boatin|stars:1|website:0|category:7
Guest House Boatin
Guest House Boatin 
5 Boatin Locality, Divchovoto
approximately 10.2 km east of Yamna.
user reviews
name:Family Hotel The Modern Inn|stars:2|website:1|category:1
Family Hotel The Modern Inn
Family Hotel The Modern Inn 
approximately 12.3 km south of Yamna.
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name:Hotel Antique|stars:3|website:1|category:1
Hotel Antique
Hotel Antique 
Macedonia Square, Zlatitsa
approximately 13.7 km south of Yamna.
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name:Svishtiplaz Chalet|stars:0|website:0|category:11
Svishtiplaz Chalet
Svishtiplaz Chalet 
Malka Polyana Locality, Zlatitsa
approximately 13.7 km south of Yamna.
user reviews
Sights and attractions in and near Yamna. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Etropole Monastery Holy Trinity, Etropole - approximately 5.5 kilometers west.
Museum of History, Etropole - approximately 8.9 kilometers west.
Clock Tower, Etropole - approximately 9.0 kilometers west.
Museum of History, Teteven - approximately 16.2 kilometers north-east.
Locations with hotels near Yamna. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Hotels in Lopyan - approximately 5.3 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Etropole - approximately 8.3 kilometers west.
Hotels in Divchovoto - approximately 10.2 kilometers east.
Hotels in Tsarkvishte - approximately 12.3 kilometers south.
Hotels in Zlatitsa - approximately 13.7 kilometers south.
Hotels in Boykovets - approximately 15.0 kilometers west.
Hotels in Chelopech - approximately 15.0 kilometers south.
Hotels in Pirdop - approximately 16.2 kilometers south-east.
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