Stokite is a village in the Balkan Mountains, in the municipality of Sevlievo, Gabrovo. It is situated 15 km from Apriltsi and 24 km from Sevlievo. It is beautiful and easily accessible all year round and the area around it offers perfect conditions for fishing, swimming, picnics in the mountains, trekking (winter and summer), horseback riding, eco and rural tourism, visits to cultural and historical sights. The rivers of Negoichevitsa and Rositsa merge in the territory of the village, which is why the village is named Stokite - from "stock" - a place where a lot of water is gathered. These two rivers have many tributaries, making the area very picturesque and suitable for fishing. The Diavolski Pool in the Rositsa River is suitable for swimming. The settlement is a part of the Stokite Park Section of the Central Balkan National Park. This section includes 14 summer and one winter hiking route, and 2 eco-trails - Vidimsko Praskalo and Po Patya na Balkandzhiite, as well as 8 routes for horse riding. They all reveal the enchanting scenery and rich bio-diversity of the Balkan Mountains, leading to some of the many huts in the area - Mazalat, Tazha, Yavorova Laka, Pleven, Sokolna, Ravnets, Rai Hut. The Batoshevo Monastery is one of the biggest attractions near Stokite. It is located 4 km away and is founded by Tsar Michael II Asen. The eco-trails and the marked routes will take the lovers of mountain tourism to the picturesque localoty of Lagat, Sokolna Reserve, Peeshti Skali Reserve, the Vidimsko praskalo and the Raisko praskalo waterfalls, Botev Peak, etc. The accommodation options in the village are limited. The hotels in Stokite are one or two and the village people may accommodate a limited number of guests in their homes. Limited accommodation possibilities, mainly guest houses and villas, are also offered by the neighboring villages of Kravenik, Valevtsi, Batoshevo and others. Because of that, if one wishes to book a hotel in Stokite the reservation should be made in advance in order to be sure that there will be vacancies.
name:Kastel Reservoir Bungalows|stars:1|website:1|category:9
Kastel Reservoir Bungalows Batoshevo
5.1 km
north of Stokite.
visit websiteuser reviewsname:Guest House At Radko's|stars:0|website:1|category:7
Guest House At Radko's Troentsi Hamlet, Kravenik
5.6 km
west of Stokite.
visit websiteuser reviewsname:Bungalows Vipex|stars:1|website:0|category:9
Bungalows Vipex Kravenik
5.6 km
west of Stokite.
user reviewsname:Villa Mechta|stars:0|website:0|category:10
Villa Mechta Shopite Hamlet, Kravenik
5.6 km
west of Stokite.
user reviewsname:Villa Edelweiss|stars:0|website:0|category:7
Villa Edelweiss 168 Vasil Levski Street, Apriltsi
12.8 km
west of Stokite.
user reviewsname:Hotel Tavern Svatovete|stars:3|website:1|category:1
Hotel Tavern Svatovete Novo Selo Quarter, Apriltsi
12.8 km
west of Stokite.
visit websiteuser reviews Uzana Locality, Uzana - approximately
17.5 kilometers
Bus Station Gabrovo, Gabrovo - approximately
19.8 kilometers
Drama Theater Racho Stoyanov, Gabrovo - approximately
19.8 kilometers
National Museum of Education, Gabrovo - approximately
19.9 kilometers
Railway Station Gabrovo, Gabrovo - approximately
20.0 kilometers
House of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo - approximately
20.0 kilometers
Clock Tower, Gabrovo - approximately
20.0 kilometers
Regional Museum of History, Gabrovo - approximately
20.1 kilometers
Dormition of Theotokos Church, Gabrovo - approximately
20.1 kilometers
Holy Trinity Cathedral, Gabrovo - approximately
20.1 kilometers
House Museum Dechkovata House, Gabrovo - approximately
20.1 kilometers
Orlovets Sports Hall, Gabrovo - approximately
20.2 kilometers
St John The Baptist Church, Gabrovo - approximately
20.2 kilometers
Peak Botev, Karlovo - approximately
20.6 kilometers
Gabrovo Planetarium and Observatory, Gabrovo - approximately
20.7 kilometers
Sokolski Monastery, Gabrovo - approximately
22.8 kilometers
AEK Etara, Gabrovo - approximately
23.2 kilometers
Peak Shipka Monument of Liberty, Shipka - approximately
23.9 kilometers
Troyan Monastery Dormition of the Theotokos, Oreshak - approximately
24.3 kilometers
Byalata Reka Eco Trail, Kalofer - approximately
24.3 kilometers
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