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Hotels in Raduil. Vllas, chalets and guest houses in Raduil. User reviews.
name:Villa Raduil|stars:2|website:1|category:10
Villa Raduil
Villa Raduil 
5 Osma Street, Raduil
+359 896 847638
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name:Hotel Tavern Elenite|stars:2|website:1|category:1
Hotel Tavern Elenite
Hotel Tavern Elenite 
+359 7129 2276, +359 878 546677
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name:Kelfanska Guest House|stars:1|website:0|category:7
Kelfanska Guest House
Kelfanska Guest House 
+359 889 202588, +359 889 202466
user reviews
name:Family Hotel Rilski Inn|stars:0|website:0|category:7
Family Hotel Rilski Inn
Family Hotel Rilski Inn 
+359 876 855448
user reviews
Hotels in locations near Raduil. The approximate distances are estimated between the centers of the locations.
name:Hotel Priroda|stars:2|website:1|category:1
Hotel Priroda
Hotel Priroda 
Dolna Banya
approximately 6.9 km north-east of Raduil.
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name:Hotel Complex Dolna Banya|stars:3|website:1|category:1
Hotel Complex Dolna Banya
Hotel Complex Dolna Banya 
2 Targovska Street, Dolna Banya
approximately 6.9 km north-east of Raduil.
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name:Venetitsa Chalet|stars:0|website:1|category:11
Venetitsa Chalet
Venetitsa Chalet 
Konyarnika Locality, Dolna Banya
approximately 6.9 km north-east of Raduil.
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name:Kedar Villas|stars:3|website:1|category:10
Kedar Villas
Kedar Villas 
7 Rilsko Shosse, Dolna Banya
approximately 6.9 km north-east of Raduil.
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name:Gerginitsa Chalet|stars:0|website:0|category:11
Gerginitsa Chalet
Gerginitsa Chalet 
Gerginitsa Locality, Dolna Banya
approximately 6.9 km north-east of Raduil.
user reviews
name:Studio in Apartment Complex Flora|stars:0|website:1|category:5
Studio in Apartment Complex Flora
Studio in Apartment Complex Flora 
approximately 7.3 km west of Raduil.
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Sights and attractions in and near Raduil. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Girls' Monastery Protection of the Theotokos, Samokov - approximately 11.6 kilometers north-west.
Museum of History, Samokov - approximately 12.1 kilometers north-west.
Musala Peak, Samokov - approximately 14.7 kilometers south-west.
Medieval Fortress Rakovitsa, Golyamo Belovo - approximately 26.1 kilometers south-east.
Thracian Fortress next to the Yadenitsa Reservoir, Yundola - approximately 26.3 kilometers south-east.
Vapski Lakes, Semkovo - approximately 26.4 kilometers south-west.
Locations with hotels near Raduil. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Hotels in Dolna Banya - approximately 6.9 kilometers north-east.
Hotels in Borovets - approximately 7.3 kilometers west.
Hotels in Samokov - approximately 12.1 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Beli Iskar - approximately 12.5 kilometers west.
Hotels in Kostenets - approximately 14.1 kilometers east.
Hotels in Mala Tsarkva - approximately 14.8 kilometers west.
Hotels in Momin Prohod - approximately 15.8 kilometers east.
Hotels in Madjare - approximately 15.8 kilometers west.
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