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Hotels in Krastets. Vllas, chalets and guest houses in Krastets. User reviews.
Train station Krastets, Krastets
+359 623 2967, +359 889 710188
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Hotels in locations near Krastets. The approximate distances are estimated between the centers of the locations.
name:Villa Stanchov Han|stars:0|website:0|category:7
Villa Stanchov Han
Villa Stanchov Han 
Stanchov Han
approximately 5.3 km north of Krastets.
user reviews
name:Kolyuv's Inn|stars:0|website:0|category:7
Kolyuv's Inn
Kolyuv's Inn 
Stanchov Han
approximately 5.3 km north of Krastets.
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name:Racho Birnika's House|stars:0|website:0|category:7
Racho Birnika's House
Racho Birnika's House 
approximately 6.0 km north-west of Krastets.
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name:Family Hotel Georgievi|stars:0|website:1|category:7
Family Hotel Georgievi
Family Hotel Georgievi 
approximately 6.0 km north-west of Krastets.
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name:Hadji Hristovata Guest House|stars:0|website:1|category:7
Hadji Hristovata Guest House
Hadji Hristovata Guest House 
approximately 6.0 km north-west of Krastets.
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name:Villa Rai|stars:0|website:1|category:10
Villa Rai
Villa Rai 
approximately 8.7 km north-west of Krastets.
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Sights and attractions in and near Krastets. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Museum of the Wood Carving and Ethnographic Art, Tryavna - approximately 12.2 kilometers north-west.
AIR Bojentsi, Bojentsi - approximately 15.8 kilometers north-west.
AEK Etara, Gabrovo - approximately 17.4 kilometers west.
Sokolski Monastery, Gabrovo - approximately 18.0 kilometers west.
Gradishte Fortress, Gurkovo - approximately 18.4 kilometers south-east.
Peak Shipka Monument of Liberty, Shipka - approximately 19.1 kilometers west.
Birth of Christ Cathedral, Shipka - approximately 19.2 kilometers west.
Thracian Tomb, Kazanlak - approximately 20.2 kilometers south-west.
Literature and Art Museum Chudomir, Kazanlak - approximately 20.7 kilometers south-west.
Gabrovo Planetarium and Observatory, Gabrovo - approximately 22.0 kilometers north-west.
Locations with hotels near Krastets. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Hotels in Stanchov Han - approximately 5.3 kilometers north.
Hotels in Radevtsi - approximately 6.0 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Plachkovtsi - approximately 8.7 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Prestoy - approximately 9.3 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Oshani - approximately 9.8 kilometers north.
Hotels in Enchevtsi - approximately 11.0 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Armyankovtsi - approximately 11.5 kilometers north.
Hotels in Bangeytsi - approximately 12.2 kilometers north-west.
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