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Hotels in Gorna Mahala. Vllas, chalets and guest houses in Gorna Mahala. User reviews.
name:Voden Kamak Chalet|stars:1|website:0|category:11
Voden Kamak Chalet
Voden Kamak Chalet 
Gorna Mahala
+359 337 2534
user reviews
Hotels in locations near Gorna Mahala. The approximate distances are estimated between the centers of the locations.
name:Spa Hotel Astraea|stars:4|website:1|category:1
Spa Hotel Astraea
Spa Hotel Astraea 
68 Ivan Vazov Blvd., Hissar
approximately 8.9 km north-west of Gorna Mahala.
visit websiteuser reviews
name:Fenera Chalet|stars:0|website:0|category:11
Fenera Chalet
Fenera Chalet 
Fenera Peak, Hissar
approximately 8.9 km north-west of Gorna Mahala.
user reviews
name:Hotel Andonovi|stars:3|website:0|category:7
Hotel Andonovi
Hotel Andonovi 
9 Stryama Street, Hissar
approximately 8.9 km north-west of Gorna Mahala.
user reviews
name:House Vlasevi|stars:2|website:0|category:7
House Vlasevi
House Vlasevi 
17 Vasil Petrovich Street, Hissar
approximately 8.9 km north-west of Gorna Mahala.
user reviews
Sights and attractions in and near Gorna Mahala. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Summer Theater, Hissar - approximately 8.4 kilometers north-west.
Archaeological Museum, Hissar - approximately 8.6 kilometers north-west.
Roman Fortress Diocletianopolis, Hissar - approximately 8.6 kilometers north-west.
St Pantaleon Church, Hissar - approximately 8.9 kilometers north-west.
Cromlech in the Cholakova Mound, Staro Jelezare - approximately 9.8 kilometers west.
Ethnographic Museum Home of Traditions, Staro Jelezare - approximately 10.5 kilometers west.
Locations with hotels near Gorna Mahala. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Hotels in Hissar - approximately 8.9 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Banya Karlovo - approximately 11.9 kilometers north-east.
Hotels in Matenitsa - approximately 15.1 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Sokolitsa - approximately 16.6 kilometers north.
Hotels in Svejen - approximately 21.5 kilometers east.
Hotels in Karlovo - approximately 22.2 kilometers north.
Hotels in Sopot - approximately 23.3 kilometers north.
Hotels in Trud - approximately 23.9 kilometers south.
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