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Hotels in Ganchovets. Vllas, chalets and guest houses in Ganchovets. User reviews.
name:Bulgarian Revival House|stars:1|website:1|category:10
Bulgarian Revival House
Bulgarian Revival House 
1 Buzludja Street, Ganchovets
+359 899 053218, +359 62 621290
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Hotels in locations near Ganchovets. The approximate distances are estimated between the centers of the locations.
name:Villa Ina|stars:0|website:0|category:10
Villa Ina
Villa Ina 
Vehti Lozya Locality, Dryanovo
approximately 4.0 km south-west of Ganchovets.
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name:Guest House Gerana|stars:3|website:0|category:10
Guest House Gerana
Guest House Gerana 
136 Shipka Street, Dryanovo
approximately 4.0 km south-west of Ganchovets.
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name:Guest House Pri Izvora|stars:1|website:0|category:7
Guest House Pri Izvora
Guest House Pri Izvora 
1 Nikoevtsi Street, Dryanovo
approximately 4.0 km south-west of Ganchovets.
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name:Hotel Contact|stars:1|website:0|category:1
Hotel Contact
Hotel Contact 
Stoletov Blvd., Dryanovo
approximately 4.0 km south-west of Ganchovets.
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Sights and attractions in and near Ganchovets. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Kolyo Ficheto Museum, Dryanovo - approximately 3.5 kilometers west.
Dryanovo Monastery St Archangel Michael, Dryanovo Monastery - approximately 8.3 kilometers south-west.
Bacho Kiro Cave, Dryanovo Monastery - approximately 8.6 kilometers south-west.
Bus Station Veliko Tarnovo West, Veliko Tarnovo - approximately 11.4 kilometers north-east.
Church Resurrection of Christ, Veliko Tarnovo - approximately 12.1 kilometers north-east.
Kolyu Ficheto Park - Triagalnika, Veliko Tarnovo - approximately 12.3 kilometers north-east.
Locations with hotels near Ganchovets. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Hotels in Dryanovo - approximately 4.0 kilometers south-west.
Hotels in Peyna - approximately 6.6 kilometers west.
Hotels in Tsareva Livada - approximately 7.9 kilometers south-west.
Hotels in Kilifarevo - approximately 8.4 kilometers east.
Hotels in Dryanovo Monastery - approximately 8.4 kilometers south-west.
Hotels in Kereni - approximately 10.3 kilometers south.
Hotels in Debelets, Veliko Tarnovo - approximately 10.3 kilometers north-east.
Hotels in Ledenik - approximately 10.5 kilometers north.
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