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Hotels in Belintash. Vllas, chalets and guest houses in Belintash. User reviews.
name:The Old Houses|stars:2|website:1|category:7
The Old Houses
The Old Houses 
Kabata Locality, Belintash
+359 888 304867, +359 888 733786
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Hotels in locations near Belintash. The approximate distances are estimated between the centers of the locations.
name:Sini Vruh Chalet|stars:0|website:0|category:11
Sini Vruh Chalet
Sini Vruh Chalet 
Katranishte Locality, Novakovo
approximately 8.8 km north-east of Belintash.
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name:Villa Donka|stars:0|website:0|category:7
Villa Donka
Villa Donka 
approximately 9.1 km west of Belintash.
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name:Guglevata House|stars:1|website:1|category:7
Guglevata House
Guglevata House 
approximately 9.1 km west of Belintash.
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name:Eco Guest House and Tavern Borikite|stars:2|website:1|category:7
Eco Guest House and Tavern Borikite
Eco Guest House and Tavern Borikite 
approximately 9.1 km west of Belintash.
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name:Villa Princess|stars:1|website:1|category:10
Villa Princess
Villa Princess 
approximately 9.1 km west of Belintash.
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name:Villa Starata Krusha|stars:1|website:1|category:10
Villa Starata Krusha
Villa Starata Krusha 
approximately 9.1 km west of Belintash.
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name:Hotel Everest|stars:2|website:0|category:1
Hotel Everest
Hotel Everest 
38 Trakia Square, Cherven
approximately 12.1 km north of Belintash.
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name:Hotel Complex Diana|stars:3|website:1|category:1
Hotel Complex Diana
Hotel Complex Diana 
approximately 12.1 km north of Belintash.
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name:Pashaliytsa Chalet|stars:0|website:0|category:11
Pashaliytsa Chalet
Pashaliytsa Chalet 
approximately 12.7 km west of Belintash.
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name:Hotel Akvareli|stars:3|website:1|category:1
Hotel Akvareli
Hotel Akvareli 
3 Vazrajdane Street, Lucky
approximately 12.7 km west of Belintash.
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Sights and attractions in and near Belintash. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Rocky Sanctuary Haydutkaya, Mostovo - approximately 1.8 kilometers south-west.
Rocky Sanctuary Turskata Kulya, Mostovo - approximately 1.8 kilometers south-east.
Rocky Sanctuary Karadjov Kamak, Mostovo - approximately 3.1 kilometers south-west.
Rocky SAnctuary Pitvoto, Vrata - approximately 3.1 kilometers north.
Rocky Sanctuary Hambartash, Belitsa, Lucky - approximately 4.9 kilometers south-west.
Krastova Gora Holy Complex, Borovo - approximately 5.5 kilometers west.
Game Reserve Kormisosh, Belitsa, Lucky - approximately 6.8 kilometers south-west.
Rocky Bridge Shapran Dupka, Belitsa, Lucky - approximately 8.1 kilometers west.
Holy Spirit Waterfall, Krushovo - approximately 12.6 kilometers south-west.
Slivodolskoto Padalo Waterfall, Bachkovo - approximately 14.0 kilometers north-west.
Locations with hotels near Belintash. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Hotels in Novakovo - approximately 8.8 kilometers north-east.
Hotels in Borovo - approximately 9.1 kilometers west.
Hotels in Cherven - approximately 12.1 kilometers north.
Hotels in Lucky - approximately 12.7 kilometers west.
Hotels in Zagrajden - approximately 13.6 kilometers south.
Hotels in Bachkovo - approximately 15.9 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Dryanovo Village - approximately 17.2 kilometers west.
Hotels in Zdravets - approximately 18.5 kilometers south-west.
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