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Hotels in Banya Nova Zagora. Vllas, chalets and guest houses in Banya Nova Zagora. User reviews.
name:Stote Bora Chalet|stars:0|website:0|category:11
Stote Bora Chalet
Stote Bora Chalet 
Banya Nova Zagora
+359 48 861529, +359 887 709753
user reviews
name:Family Hotel Rai|stars:2|website:0|category:1
Family Hotel Rai
Family Hotel Rai 
Banya Nova Zagora
+359 886 116851
user reviews
Hotels in locations near Banya Nova Zagora. The approximate distances are estimated between the centers of the locations.
name:Hotel Yanitsa|stars:2|website:0|category:1
Hotel Yanitsa
Hotel Yanitsa 
7 Svoboda Square, Nova Zagora
approximately 12.7 km south of Banya Nova Zagora.
user reviews
name:Bukovets Chalet|stars:0|website:1|category:11
Bukovets Chalet
Bukovets Chalet 
Bukovets Locality, Tvarditsa
approximately 13.0 km north-west of Banya Nova Zagora.
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name:Chumerna Chalet|stars:0|website:1|category:11
Chumerna Chalet
Chumerna Chalet 
Chumerna Peak, Tvarditsa
approximately 13.0 km north-west of Banya Nova Zagora.
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name:Ivan's House|stars:0|website:1|category:7
Ivan's House
Ivan's House 
approximately 13.0 km north-west of Banya Nova Zagora.
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Sights and attractions in and near Banya Nova Zagora. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
History Museum Karanova Mogila, Nova Zagora - approximately 12.9 kilometers south.
Enyova Mogila, Konare - approximately 14.3 kilometers north-west.
Asara Fortress, Nikolaevo - approximately 16.5 kilometers west.
Gradishte Fortress, Gurkovo - approximately 21.6 kilometers north-west.
Locations with hotels near Banya Nova Zagora. The aproximate distances shown are estimated from the center of the location.
Hotels in Nova Zagora - approximately 12.7 kilometers south.
Hotels in Tvarditsa - approximately 13.0 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Kolena - approximately 26.2 kilometers south-west.
Hotels in Miykovtsi - approximately 27.2 kilometers north.
Hotels in Sliven - approximately 27.8 kilometers east.
Hotels in Dobrevtsi, Elena - approximately 29.5 kilometers north-west.
Hotels in Buynovtsi - approximately 30.3 kilometers north.
Hotels in Hanevtsi - approximately 30.8 kilometers north.
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