Guest House Doncho Stoyanov, Gramatikovo
name:Guest House Doncho Stoyanov|stars:1|website:0|category:7
Guest House Doncho Stoyanov 20 Dobri Chintulov Street, Gramatikovo
+359 896 694155, +359 884 754029, +359 888 808086
Guest House Doncho Stoyanov is located in the village of Gramatikovo - the largest one on the territory of the Strandja Natural Park. The are is perfect for hunting, fishing, cultural-historic tourism, or simply quietly relaxing close to nature. The house is open year-round and offers cosiness and comfort at affordable rates. This is a two-storey building with a spacious and beautifully landscaped garden with a summer kitchen, which has everything needed for self-catering. The guests have at their disposal one of the two floors, which is entirely private and consists of two bedrooms, each for two people, which have a TV, communal bathroom, washing machine and refrigerator on the floor. There's a third room as well, which is used as a dining room during the winter period.
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