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Complex Bozukovi, Zagrajden
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Complex Bozukovi
Complex Bozukovi 
+359 889 290922, +359 887 060160
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Complex Bozukovi in Zagrajden is a wonderful choice for everyone, who wishes to escape from the hasty daily routine and enjoy a peaceful holiday in the Rhodope mountains. Here every guest will discover tranquility, home-like cosiness and various facilities, which are a predisposition for complete rest and enjoyable sojourn. The accommodation options include 10 rooms with a total of 23 beds, located in a cosy guest house. Each has a TV set, heating and en-suite bathroom. The hotel also includes two taverns in traditional style with 35 and 20 seats, respectively, which makes it a preferred setting for family celebrations and gatherings with friends. For the guests of Complex Bozukovi a fully equipped kitchen is provided as well. It is intended for self-catering but the host may serve breakfast, lunch, dinner and prepare cheverme upon prior notice. In the picturesque summer garden of this Zagrajden guest house there is a barbecue, an outdoor and a kiddies pool for the summer, a fishery for the summer, children's playground, a gazebo with lovely views. A sauna and free parking are also offered.
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